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U.S. AbilityOne Commission

An Independent Federal Agency

Thomas D. Robinson, Chairperson
Tina Ballard, Executive Director

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Memoranda of Support

Many Department Secretaries, Agency Directors, Commanding Officers, Procurement Executives and Purchase Card Coordinators in the Federal government issue Memos of Support for the AbilityOne® Program to remind their staff members of the importance of purchasing AbilityOne products and services. Such purchases create employment opportunities for individuals who are blind or who have other significant disabilities, while ensuring that the government receives quality products and services, delivered on time and at reasonable prices.

Some of the federal agencies who have issued memos or other directives in reference to support of the AbilityOne Program include:

Federal Agency Person
White House President Donald J. Trump
Deputy Secretary of Defense Honorable William J. Lynn
Deputy Secretary of Defense Honorable Gordon England
Defense Acquisition University James P. Woolsey, President, Defense Acquisition University
Department of Defense, Office of the Under Secretary Honorable John J. Young
Department of Defense, Office of the Under Secretary Frank Kendall
Department of Defense, Office
Of the Under Secretary
Richard Ginman, Director,
Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy
Department of Defense,
Office Of the Under Secretary
Shay D. Assad, Director, Defense Pricing and Contracting
  Richard Ginman
  Shay D. Assad (2008)
  Shay D. Assad (2006)
Department of Defense, Office of the Under Secretary Claire M. Grady, Director, Defense Procurement & Acquisition Policy
Department of the Air Force Brig. Gen. Casey D. Blake, Deputy Assistant Secretary (Contracting), Assistant Secretary (Acquisition)
Department of the Air Force Maj Gen Wendy Masiello
Deputy Assistance Secretary (Contracting)
Department of the Air Force
Roger S. Correll
Deputy Assistance Secretary (Contracting)
Department of the Air Force
Air Force Materiel Command
Stephen F. Butler, Executive Director
Department of the Army
U.S. Army Materiel Command
Brig. Gen. Edward M. Daly, Deputy Chief of Staff
Department of the Army
U.S. Army Materiel Command
GEN Dennis L. Via
Army Materiel Commander
Department of the Army
U.S. Army Materiel Command
GEN Anne E. Dunwoody
Army Materiel Commander
Department of the Army
U.S. Army Materiel Command
GEN Benjamin S. Griffin
Army Materiel Commander
Department of the Army
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
LTG R.L. Van Antwerp
Corps of Engineers Cdr
Department of the Army Francis J. Harvey, Secretary of the Army
Department of the Army Harry Hallock, Dep Asst Secretary of the Army (Procurement)
Department of the Navy Sean J. Stackley, Assistant Secretary of the Navy
Department of the Navy RDML Sean F. Crean
Department of the Navy Elliott B. Branch, Executive Director for Contracts, Naval Sea Systems Command
Defense Logistics Agency LTG Robert T. Dail, USA
Director, DLA
Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support Janine Samoni, Chief, SMSG Division, Directorate of Subsistence
Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support Brig. Gen. Steven A. Shapiro, Commander
Department of Agriculture
Office of the Secretary
Honorable Thomas J. Vilsack
Department of Agriculture,
Office of the Under Secretary
Administrator of ARS, ERS, NASS, NIFA
Department of Agriculture,
Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization
Quinton N. Robinson,
  USDA Departmental Regulation 5080-001
Department of Agriculture,
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Howard G. Price, Head of the Contracting Activity, Designee, Marketing and Regulatory Programs
Department of Agriculture,
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Howard G. Price , Head of the Contracting Activity Designee
Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration Dr. Gregory L. Parham, Assistant Secretary for Administration
Department of Health & Human Services Nancy J. Gunderson, Dep Asst Secretary Grants and Acquisition
Department of Homeland Security Richard K. Gunderson, Acting Chief Procurement Officer
Department of Labor Alexander Acosta, Secretary of Labor
Department of Veterans Affairs Jan R. Frye, Dep Asst Secretary for Acquisition and Logistics


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President Donald J. Trump

National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) Proclamations


All White House NDEAM Proclamations (2009-2024)

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