
U.S. AbilityOne Commission

An Independent Federal Agency

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Base Supply Centers

The AbilityOne® Program operates Base Supply Centers (BSCs) on many military installations, and operates some additional Supply Stores in federal buildings. Also known as Self-Service Supply Stores (SSSCs), Servmarts and Base Service Stores (BSSs) to many Government customers, these convenient support locations provide walk-in shopping, phone in and fax orders, delivery service and online shopping. They offer a wide range of AbilityOne Procurement List products and other non-AbilityOne commercial products at each location to support mission requirements. Click here for a list of AbilityOne-operated Base Supply and Office Supply Centers (XLS).


In the wake of realignment throughout the Services, many military installations found themselves without an on-site office and cleaning supply center. Seeing an opportunity to create retail jobs for people who are blind or have significant disabilities, the AbilityOne Program stepped in. The BSCs quickly began assuming the legacy functions of the SSSCs, BSSs and Servmarts to ensure maximum mission support.

Each BSC is added to the Commission's Procurement List as an AbilityOne "service" project, in accordance with 41 CFR Chapter 51, which ensures that the establishment of the BSC is suitable and will help accomplish the AbilityOne Program's employment mission. While the Procurement List authorizes BSCs to operate on installations or in Federal buildings, the BSCs are vendors of choice, providing efficient and effective sourcing on base, reduced procurement workload, short notice contingency operations support, liberal return policies and enhanced security by minimizing the number of delivery vehicles entering the installation.

Authorized Distribution Source

BSCs are among the Commission-authorized distribution sources for AbilityOne products, and are authorized to sell commercial (non-AbilityOne) products, as well.
A part of the value-added for customers is the one-stop shopping that is afforded to by the availability of appropriate supplies needed to perform and fulfill mission requirements. The competitive pricing for the items offered by the BSCs (prices are benchmarked and fall within GSA Schedule pricing) may facilitate compliance with FAR Subpart 13.202.

Commission Support

The U.S. AbilityOne Commission supports the BSC concept in terms of its two fundamental values to the AbilityOne Program: first, as an employment opportunity for people who are blind or significantly disabled with increased emphasis on creating retail job opportunities and growing manufacturing jobs; and second, as a distribution channel for products and services to provide Government customers with convenient access to supplies to meet their mission and excellent customer service.

AbilityOne Logo
The AbilityOne logo is a registered trademark of the U.S. AbilityOne Commission which administers the AbilityOne Program.
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Support for AbilityOne Base Supply Centers (PDF)

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