
U.S. AbilityOne Commission

An Independent Federal Agency

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Policy Archive

Policies and policy memoranda listed below have been superseded or rescinded.

Administrative Memos Archive


Administrative Memorandum Number 2: Committee Meetings has been superseded by 51.201 – U.S. AbilityOne Commission Meetings (PDF)

Administrative Memorandum Number 5: Delegation of Authority to Executive Director has been superseded by 51.205 - Delegation of Authority to Executive Director (PDF)

Administrative Memorandum Number 6: Safeguarding Confidential Commercial Information (PDF)
This memorandum prescribes the procedures the Commission will follow prior to releasing documents requested under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. 552, which may contain confidential commercial information, in accord with the Commission FOIA regulation on business information, 41 CFR 51-8.8.

Administrative Memorandum Number 8: Nomination and Election of Committee Officers and Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson Responsibilities has been superseded by 51.202 - Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson Nomination and Election Process and Responsibilities (PDF)

Administrative Memorandum Number 9: Committee Voting Protocols has been superseded by 51.203 - U.S. AbilityOne Commission Voting Protocols (PDF)

Administrative Memorandum Number 10: No cameras or recording devices policy has been superseded by 51.201 U.S. AbilityOne Commission Meetings (PDF)

Administrative Memorandum Number 11: Central Nonprofit Agency (CNA) Fee Ceiling Determination Process (PDF) has been superseded by the following policies: 51.210 - AbilityOne Program Fee Establishment and Oversight (PDF); 51.302 - Collection and Utilization of Program Fees by Designated Central Nonprofit Agencies (PDF) ; and 51.601 – AbilityOne Program Fee Calculation Methodologies (PDF)

Compliance Memos Archive


Compliance Memorandum Number 1: Qualification Procedure for Nonprofit Agencies (PDF)
This memorandum prescribes the procedure a nonprofit agency must follow to become qualified to furnish either a commodity or a service under the Javits Wagner O'Day (JWOD) Act.

Compliance Memorandum Number 2: NISH Representation of Nonprofit Agencies Serving Individuals who are Blind (PDF)
This memorandum provides guidance regarding the representation of nonprofit agencies serving individuals who are blind by NISH.

Compliance Memorandum Number 3: Documentation Requirements for NIB, NISH,and umbrella organizations (PDF)
This memorandum delineates the record keeping procedures for National Industries for the Blind (NIB), NISH, and nonprofit umbrella organizations with subordinate elements that are treated as separate nonprofit agencies under the Javits-Wagner-O'Day (JWOD) Act.

Compliance Memorandum Number 4: Nonprofit Agency Organization-wide Direct Labor Ratio Requirements (PDF)
Compliance Memorandum Number 4 concerns nonprofit agency organization-wide direct labor ratio requirements and provides interim guidance related to the percentage of the direct labor hours performed in a qualified nonprofit agency during any fiscal year.

Compliance Memorandum Number 5: AbilityOne® Program Direct Labor Ratio Requirements (PDF)
Compliance Memorandum Number 5 concerns AbilityOne Program direct labor ratio requirements and provides interim guidance for the direct labor hour ratios for total AbilityOne work completed by a qualified nonprofit agency and for work completed on individual AbilityOne projects.

Compliance Memorandum Number 6: Reporting Direct Labor Hours of Trainees (PDF)
This memorandum provides guidance for reporting the direct labor hours of individuals employed in a nonprofit agency under Federal, State or local vocational training programs (hereinafter trainees).

Compliance Memorandum Number 7: On Site Compliance Reviews (PDF)
This memorandum outlines the procedures to be followed by the staff of the Committee for Purchase From People Who are Blind or Severely Disabled, National Industries for the Blind (NIB) and NISH in conducting on site compliance reviews of nonprofit agencies participating in the AbilityOne Program. It also explains what information the nonprofit agencies are responsible for providing during such reviews. In addition, this memorandum prescribes the follow up procedures for the Committee, NIB, or NISH staff member conducting the visit and the nonprofit agency being reviewed.

Compliance Memorandum Number 9: Equal employment opportunity for people with disabilities at AbilityOne participating nonprofit agencies (PDF)
This memorandum describes the provisions for ensuring equal employment opportunities for people with disabilities at all levels of employment in nonprofit agencies participating in the AbilityOne Program. The Committee seeks to ensure that participating nonprofit agencies establish procedures to encourage filling of all types of employment vacancies by promotion of qualified individuals who are blind or have other disabilities.

Compliance Policies Archive


51.400 - Nonprofit Agency Overall Compliance Policy (August 15, 2020)

51.400 Nonprofit Agency Overall Compliance Policy (March 11, 2013)

51.401 - Direct Labor Hour Ratio Requirements (August 15, 2020)

51.401 Direct Labor Ratio Requirements (March 22, 2013)

51.401-01 - Phase-in Procedures (March 22, 2013)

51.401-02 - Surge Requirements Procedure (October 17, 2012)

51.402 - Initial Qualification of Nonprofit Agencies (March 22, 2013)

51.403 – Determining Eligibility of Participating Employees (August 2, 2024)

51.403 - Determining Eligibility of Participating Employees (January 1, 2024)

51.403 - Nonprofit Agencies Out of Compliance with Commission Regulations (November 12, 2020)

51.403 Nonprofit Agencies Out of Compliance with Commission Regulations (August 15, 2020)

51.403 Nonprofit Agencies Out of Compliance with Commission Regulations (March 22, 2013)

51.404 - On-site Compliance Reviews (March 22, 2013)

51.406 - Equal Employment Opportunity for People with Disabilities at AbilityOne-Participating Nonprofit Agencies (August 15, 2020)

51.406 Equal Employment Opportunity for People with Disabilities at AbilityOne (August 9, 2012)

51.407 - Disability Documentation Requirements – People Who Are Blind (August 15, 2020)

51.408 - Disability Documentation Requirements – People With Significant Disabilities (August 15, 2020)

51.409 - Maintaining Qualification of Nonprofit Agencies (August 15, 2020)

51.410 Processing Complaints by Employees of Nonprofit Agencies Performing Work on Contracts Under the AbilityOne Program (August 15, 2020)

51.410 Processing Complaints by Employees of Nonprofit Agencies Performing Work on Contracts Under the AbilityOne Program (April 3, 2017)

Pricing Memos Archive


Pricing Memorandum Number 1: Fair Market Pricing Policy for AbilityOne® Products and Services
This memorandum summarizes the policies and practices established by the U.S. AbilityOne Commission® for determining Fair Market Prices (FMP) for products and services provided under the Javits-Wagner-O'Day (JWOD) Act [41 U.S.C. 46-48(c)].

Pricing Memorandum Number 2: Fair Market Price Determination for AbilityOne Product Contracts
The purpose of Pricing Memorandum Number 2 (PR-2) is to prescribe policies and requirements for Fair Market Prices (FMP) recommendations for products or commodities supplied to the Federal Government in accordance with the terms of the Javits-Wagner-O'Day Act (41 USC 46-48c).

Pricing Memorandum Number 3: Fair Market Price Determination for AbilityOne (formerly Javits-Wagner-O'Day) Service Contracts
The purpose of Pricing Memorandum Number 3 (PR-3) is to prescribe policies and requirements for recommending the Fair Market Price (FMP) for an AbilityOne service contract.

Pricing Memorandum Number 19: AbilityOne Price and Price-Related Impasse and Dispute Resolution Procedures
Pricing Memorandum Number 19 (Impasse Memo) prescribes procedures for resolving price and price-related disputes between parties in the exercise and administration of the AbilityOne Program.

Download PDFs

Pricing Memorandum Number 1 (PDF)

Pricing Memorandum Number 2 (PDF)

Pricing Memorandum Number 3 (PDF)

Pricing Memorandum Number 19 (PDF)

Operations Memos Archive


Operations policy memoranda will be listed below when they have been superseded.

Rescinded Policies


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