
U.S. AbilityOne Commission

An Independent Federal Agency

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Presidential Appointees

The U.S. AbilityOne Commission consists of 15 Presidential Appointees – 11 Federal agency members, as well as four private citizen members who represent the employment concerns of people who are blind or have significant disabilities.

Presidential appointees on the Commission bring extensive expertise and tested judgement that promote the effective implementation of the JWOD Act, the operational efficiency of the Commission and AbilityOne Program, and the interests of people who are blind or have significant disabilities.

Each appointee representing a Federal government agency is a senior procurement official with decades of experience in acquisition and procurement, a senior official knowledgeable on personnel issues, or a disability employment policy expert responsible for related programs in their own agency.

Each private citizen appointee is an individual with broad knowledge of the employment problems facing people who are blind or have significant disabilities.

Federal Government Appointees serve for the period of time designated by their agency. The private citizen members serve five-year terms and may be reappointed.

Among their many responsibilities under the Javits-Wagner-O’Day (JWOD) Act, and with the assistance of Commission staff, the Members:

  • Decide which products and services will be added to the Procurement List and therefore must be purchased by the Federal agencies from AbilityOne-participating nonprofit agencies
  • Establish fair market prices, and revise prices when appropriate
  • Ensure compliance with statutory requirements for nonprofit agencies to receive Federal contracts
  • Assist Federal agencies in expanding AbilityOne procurement
  • Designate one or more central nonprofit agencies
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The AbilityOne logo is a registered trademark of the U.S. AbilityOne Commission which administers the AbilityOne Program.
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