Megan DakeMegan Dake

Deputy Assistant Secretary (Procurement), Department of the Army

Megan Dake currently serves as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Procurement) under the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition Logistics and Technology), where she oversees all aspects of procurement with an oversight function for the acquisition of Army weapon systems, research and development, logistics, and the Army’s full range of services. She also serves as the functional career chief for the contracting career field and oversees the recruitment, training, certification and professional development of the 8,000+ military and civilian contracting workforce worldwide. Dake leads the Army Contracting Enterprise in three lines of effort: developing people, integrating relationships, and revolutionizing contracting. In previous roles, Dake served as the Army Executive Director for Services Acquisition, Senior Contracting Official for the National Guard Bureau, and Senior Contracting Official for the Marine Corps Systems Command. As the head of Army procurement, she is the largest proponent of the Army’s support of the AbilityOne programs. Her office and leadership guide the Army’s organizations as it looks to increase opportunities for AbilityOne supplies and services.


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